Patient Communication
Real time communication means patients know exactly what is happening and when it's happening. Collectors are able to send patient notifications that their sample is now on its way to the laboratory while they are with the patient.
100% Digital
An end to bad handwriting errors! Sample Assist is 100% digital bringing additional clarity, transparency, confidence and security to the collection process.
Fast and Efficient
A Collector using Sample Assist can confirm a patient’s identity, see clinical notes, check their medication, collect their sample and provide a result in half the time compared to the traditional paper-based process. What’s more, patient’s have to wait less and collection centres are able to see more patients each day.
Patient Privacy
Protects patient privacy, providing confidential and secure online access to their own information.
Chain of Custody
Live sample reporting and full audit and tracking ensure 100% compliance with Chain of Custody requirements ensuring the process can be trusted and relied upon 24/7.
No more paper
Gone are the days of endless paperwork, making photocopies of patient IDs and relying on hand written notes to maintain the integrity of the sample collection process. Sample Assist is 100% digital.
100% compliant
Sample Assist was
modelled on, and complies with strict Australian and New Zealand Medical standards (AS/NZ 4308: 2008). This means that doctors, collection centres, and laboratories can have confidence knowing their patients are receiving a consistent, safe, secure experience that complies with the latest medical standards.

Flagship Solution
Our flagship solution Sample Assist™ dramatically reduces collection and administration costs, human error, and patient wait times.
The Sample Assists™ Application digitally streamlines and manages the collection process, boosting the number of patients each collector can see each day.